
hot yoga中文是什么意思

  • 高温瑜伽
  • 热瑜伽



  • 例句与用法
  • There is bikram , or " hot yoga " , done in rooms heated to over 40 degrees centigrade
    有彼克兰瑜伽,又称"热瑜伽" ,要在加热到摄氏40度以上的房间里头做。
  • There is bikram , or “ hot yoga , ” done in rooms heated to over 40 degrees centigrade
    有彼克兰瑜珈,又称“热瑜珈” ,要在加热到摄氏四十度以上的房间里做。
  • Hot yoga is a class designed for all levels : first time students and experienced practitioners alike
    1热瑜伽hot yoga是在温度控制在40和60 %的相对湿度,整套姿势由26套动作组成。
  • Heat plays a very important role in the hot yoga series . the heat warms and relaxes the entire body , promoting suppleness and the release of toxins
    因此,对于初学者,柔韧度和耐力较差的练习者,以及因轻微运动损伤不能参加高强度运动的练习者来说, iyengar yoga是很好的入门选择。
  • Hot yoga is a challenging and exhilarating series of 26 postures practiced in a heated room , which helps to warm the body , allowing you to work deep into your muscles , tendons , and ligaments
  • Practicing yoga in the heat leads to a deeper stretch and helps avoid injuries . regular practice of hot yoga will improve muscle tone , normalize weight , and help you enjoy vibrant good health and well - being
  • And the other yoga maybe to fit the modern mind , focus some modernistic way but just like the short order , etc hot yoga , it always let the youngest feel to loose fat soon , but i feel it like the western medicine , maybe can get the effect soon but maybe couldn ' t keep for a long time
  • 百科解释
Hot yoga refers to yoga exercises performed under hot and humid conditions. Often associated with the style devised by Bikram Choudhury, hot yoga is now used to describe any number of yoga styles that use heat to increase an individual's flexibility in the poses.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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